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"passion" of Chinese translation





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'integrity passion discupline solidarity' of Chinese Translate to: 诚信激情分离团结。
'dispassionate' of Chinese Translate to: 冷静。
'15- Why you choose Hybrid Trades,We are pleased to welcome you and we are appreciated that you have chosen and trusting us to deliver your needs, we offer your business and enterprise distinguished global service platform to cover all your needs. Our main target is to ensure that you will be able to concentrate on your business goals. We are passionate about our work. Your success is our success. We want your business to thrive and flourish and our goal is to help you take your business to the higher level. Our primary purpose is to help you achieve the goals you have set for your organization’s image so it will continue to foster your mission. As your needs evolve, we will be glad to help you evaluate those needs and offer you the services to achieve those goals as well. We possess a team of professionals who have gained years of experience working on live business development and implementations. Their passion for study, learner-focused approach and their industry expertise gives learners an inspirational learning experience and an understanding of industry trends.,We take building your dreams very seriously. Professionalism and integrity are two of the main attributes we pride ourselves on. As a certified builder and licensed building practitioner, you can feel 100% confident that the experience, knowledge and skills to deliver the perfect job, every time!' of Chinese Translate to: 15-为什么选择混合交易,我们很高兴欢迎您,感谢您选择并信任我们来满足您的需求,我们为您的业务和企业提供卓越的全球服务平台,以满足您的所有需求。我们的主要目标是确保您能够专注于您的业务目标。我们对工作充满热情。你的成功就是我们的成功。我们希望您的业务蒸蒸日上,我们的目标是帮助您将业务提升到更高的水平。我们的主要目的是帮助您实现为您的组织形象设定的目标,以便它将继续促进您的使命。随着您需求的发展,我们将乐于帮助您评估这些需求,并为您提供实现这些目标的服务。我们拥有一支专业团队,他们在现场业务开发和实施方面积累了多年的经验。他们对学习的热情、以学习者为中心的方法和行业专业知识为学习者提供了鼓舞人心的学习体验和对行业趋势的理解。,我们非常重视你的梦想。职业精神和正直是我们引以为豪的两个主要特征。作为一名认证建筑商和持证建筑从业者,您可以100%地确信,每次都有经验、知识和技能来提供完美的工作!。
'passion of the lord' of Chinese Translate to: 上帝的激情。
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