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"brace" of Chinese translation





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'embrace' of Chinese Translate to: 拥抱。
'11-3- Experience our Culture,As a global business, our ability to understand, embrace and operate in a multicultural world is critical to our business success and long-term sustainability. At Hybrid trades, we focus on finding the right person for the right job. In addition, we look at the needs of each individual, to help create the conditions that foster innovation and maximize potential. To this end, we encourage our people to work across many different functions, geographies and cultures throughout their careers. Beyond personal development we also encourage all our staff to engage with the business, and buy-in to their goals, ambitions and corporate values in a way that will inspire them to drive the business forward proactively and generate success. We are committed to bringing together individuals from different backgrounds, cultures and thinking styles to build a valuable resource of talent and perspectives, as well as life and career experiences.' of Chinese Translate to: 11-3-体验我们的文化,作为一家全球性企业,我们在多元文化世界中的理解、接受和运营能力对我们的业务成功和长期可持续性至关重要。在混合交易中,我们专注于找到合适的人来做合适的工作。此外,我们关注每个人的需求,以帮助创造促进创新和最大化潜力的条件。为此,我们鼓励员工在其职业生涯中跨越许多不同的职能、地域和文化开展工作。除了个人发展之外,我们还鼓励所有员工参与业务,以激励他们积极推动业务向前发展并取得成功的方式接受他们的目标、抱负和企业价值。我们致力于将来自不同背景、文化和思维方式的个人聚集在一起,以建立一个有价值的人才和视角资源,以及生活和职业经验。。
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