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"CHINA" of Chinese translation





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'Rooted in Shenzhen and embracing China and the world, the SUSTech School of Medicine aims to become an internationalized first-class medical academic institution, with integration of science, technology and medicine.,The missions of the medical school are to educate students to become future medical leaders with international vision, innovative creativity, and intellectual and moral integrity; to lead cutting-edge scientific research to promote improvement of health and progress of medicine; and to strive for clinical excellence and top-notch patient care.' of Chinese Translate to: 南科大医学院立足深圳,面向中国和世界,致力于成为一所集科技、医学于一体的国际化一流医学学术机构。,医学院的使命是教育学生成为具有国际视野、创新创造力、智商和道德操守的未来医学带头人;领导尖端科学研究,促进健康进步和医学进步;努力培养学生的创新精神和创新精神。卓越的临床表现和一流的病人护理。。
'CHINA IDEA OPINION' of Chinese Translate to: 中国观念论。
'CHINA IDEA' of Chinese Translate to: 中国理念。
'a DGS China sticker with DGS logo' of Chinese Translate to: 带有DGS标志的DGS中国标签。
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