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"刘恺威公布杨幂怀孕!并宣布扶摇停播!两人于七月退出娱乐圈 2018" of English translation


2018-06-29 07:32:55 姐姐的美妆


Hawick Lau announced that Yang Mi was pregnant! And announce the anchor! The two people dropped out of the entertainment circle in July
2018-06-29 07:32:55's sister's beauty
Speaking of the marriage of Yang Mi and Hawick Lau, the announcement of love from the two people was not supported by everyone. Two people were not afraid of outside pressure and were married in 14 years.
The news of Yang Misheng's little glutinous rice goes out to the outside world like a big earthquake. It is important to know that Yang Mi and Hawick Lau were married in January and gave birth to little glutinous rice in June the same year.
This time Yang Mi's TV play "fug" is on the sow, the non - sowing first fire TV drama once broadcast the audience is easy to break a billion, think of the final ratings are absolutely not low.
But recently, the "Rotary" group announced that the "anti wave" was about to be suspended for a period of time, and the suspension of "FUH" was surprised by many people. After all, it is now the highest degree of heat, and the sudden stop is more or less affected by the ratings.

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